It seems like every 10 years of my adult life I go into "overhaul" mode. In my 20's, as a young mom I found myself looking at my time and realizing that I had kind of "lost" myself to motherhood. At that point in life, I started exercising, visiting with friends, journaling, and volunteering to get a little bit of "me" back. These same awakenings happened like clock-work in my thirties and forties, so it should come as no surprise the same feeling of being "lost" hit in my 50's. This time around the focus is more of making health a priority. I have always felt "healthy", but as I looked at the family pictures taken over the summer and grew dismayed as I saw how big and doughy I looked. How had this happened? I thought I was healthy, but in reality I have been pretending. I developed bad habits. I loved carbs. I felt tired and emotional after work. I felt bored and restless at home. Little by little, I turned to food to make lik...