When Trevar texted me a few weeks ago that he had booked flights for us to travel to Boston, I felt my anxiety kick up a few notches. I am a homebody and absolutely hate the thought of travel. There are so many variable when traveling to a new place. Would I be safe? Would the people be rude? Would I feel depressed if the weather was rainy? Would I stress about finding things to eat? Concerns that suck my peace away, but concerns nonetheless. These concerns consumed a big chunk of my energy. It was not until we were on the train to the airport that I found myself relaxing just a teeny, tiny bit. The flight was full and I found myself sandwiched between Trevar and a beautiful blonde, co-ed from BYU. The blonde girl was vivacious and I suspected she was probably in student government and cheerleading before college. When I asked about her plans for Boston she explained that she and a group of friends were running away for the weekend. I asked about where she was staying, "Oh, we ...